June 14, 2007

Coca Cola: to enjoy? Or not to enjoy… that IS the question

Hello to everyone out there! My name is Melissa Flores, and I am the new intern here at Campus Kitchen at Gonzaga College High School. I am totally excited about helping out this summer. As part of our Nutrition Lessons we will be putting on for Meadow Green Courts (they host a summer program for kids), we wanted to share a fun but shocking demonstration with all of you out there reading our blogs! Today, we bring you: “Coca Cola: to enjoy? Or not to enjoy… that IS the question”

Brian Larkin, Coordinator of CKGCHS, will happily drop his penny in a glass of coke…

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The next day, Brian retrieves the penny from the depths of the coke... to our surprise, and dismay... the penny was clean and shiny! The acid from the coke removed all the penny's impurities. Imagine what that does to your body!?

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So, the moral of the story folks, is, coke: although extra tasty and satisfying, is actually acidic enough to clean grime off hard substances... and therefore is probably not safe for you to drink in excess amounts.. Drink water instead!
Marty reexamines his beverage choices, (as we all should):

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This preveiw lesson will appear in our series of Nutritional Education Lessons this summer at the Meadow Green Courts. We will dicuss how eating fast food can affect our bodies, and how eating fast food in excess, can be harmful to one's health. Please stay tuned for more lessons on our blog!

Submitted by: Melissa Flores: TFAS:IPVS Intern