July 17, 2007

Wall of Fame

Since it's not always possible to show volunteers how much their work is truly appreciated, we decided to add a picture and description of some of our more dedicated volunteers to our office walls.

We chose six volunteers that made a special contribution to the Campus Kitchen over the past year (LT members, interns, regular volunteers, coordinators, etc.) to go up in the office. In addition to special events like our volunteer appreciation ice cream social, hopefully this will help show our volunteers exactly how important they are.

(This also helps add more flare to our bland office walls, which is nice.)

By the end of the summer, we should have 4 more volunteers up on the wall. Eventually, the entire office should be covered from top to bottom.

July 12, 2007

The Truth About Fast Food

The Campus Kitchen Nutrition Education Team found a room full of surprised looks when they presented The Truth About Fast Food, the second in our summer series of lessons. On July 11, 2007 at Meadow Green Courts, the Team discussed nutrition facts about specific menu items at popular fast food chains.

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"The children were really surprised at the information we presented them, and were eager to learn more about nutrition in general."
- Brian Larkin, CKGCHS Coordinator

Fat and Sugar Demonstrations

Adding to the lesson were demonstrations that helped the audience visualize what is really in fast food. A plastic bag filled with 52 grams of Crisco, illustrating the approximate amount of fat in a typical fast food meal, and a cup with 13 teaspoons of sugar, the ammount present in a 20 oz bottle of soda, were passed around for everyone to observe (hence the surprised looks!) We also displayed the pennies from our previous experiment, showing the harmful effects of soda.

Following the demonstrations, healthy alternatives to fast food consumption were presented with a healthy “model lunch” that consisted of a sandwich, chips, and an apple. Overall the lesson was successful and the audience see.

Submitted by: Melissa Flores, TFAS/IPVS Intern